Visuomenės akyse jaunuoliai, gyvenantys su liga, tampa „kitokiais“ dėl gydymo keliamų reikalavimų. Situacijos sudėtingumą suprantantis socialinis darbuotojas gali pasiūlyti tinkamą socialinę pagalbą. Straipsnio tikslas – atskleisti „kitoniškumo“ įveikos strategijas santykių tarp paauglių, sergančių cukriniu diabetu ir bendraamžių kontekste. Atliktas kokybinis tyrimas, kuriame dalyvavo 14 jaunuolių. Tyrimas atskleidė, kad ligos gydymo būdai sukelia įtampą, kai paauglys jaučiasi kitoks dėl netekto spontaniškumo, kasdienės veiklos planavimo ir kt. „Kitoniškumas“ įveikiamas pasitelkiant tokias strategijas kaip išsaugant „normalumą“, priimant „kitoniškumą“ kaip „normalumą“ arba sujungiant „kitoniškumą“ ir „normalumą“.When child is diagnosed with...
Adolescent females with type 1 diabetes are at risk for long-term complications including retinopath...
Many adolescents with type 1 diabetes experience challenges in achieving good glycemic control and h...
Glycaemic control deteriorates frequently in adolescents with diabetes. There is a considerable body...
Visuomenės akyse jaunuoliai, gyvenantys su liga, tampa „kitokiais“ dėl gydymo keliamų reikalavimų. S...
When child is diagnosed with chronic disease family may face with the crisis. Usually, family and ch...
Celem pracy magisterskiej jest zbadanie relacji zachodzących między cechami osobowości, radzeniem so...
This bachelor?s thesis will focus on issues living with adolescents and adults with incurable diseas...
1) Adolescent female patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus have better glycemic control and higher ...
Aim: A wealth of quantitative literature exists exploring the adjustment of children and young peopl...
OBJECTIVE - The aim of this study was to explain adjustment (diabetes-related quality of life, gener...
Celem niniejszej pracy było zaprezentowanie i porównanie przystosowania społeczno-emocjonalnego, cec...
The aim of this study was to identify relationships between coping strategies and different aspects ...
This study analyzed the impact of dissimilarities in illness perceptions between parents and adolesc...
Adolescence is often perceived as a challenging time and the notion of expertise in this population...
Teenagers with diabetes have to cope with the demands of managing the condition within their social ...
Adolescent females with type 1 diabetes are at risk for long-term complications including retinopath...
Many adolescents with type 1 diabetes experience challenges in achieving good glycemic control and h...
Glycaemic control deteriorates frequently in adolescents with diabetes. There is a considerable body...
Visuomenės akyse jaunuoliai, gyvenantys su liga, tampa „kitokiais“ dėl gydymo keliamų reikalavimų. S...
When child is diagnosed with chronic disease family may face with the crisis. Usually, family and ch...
Celem pracy magisterskiej jest zbadanie relacji zachodzących między cechami osobowości, radzeniem so...
This bachelor?s thesis will focus on issues living with adolescents and adults with incurable diseas...
1) Adolescent female patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus have better glycemic control and higher ...
Aim: A wealth of quantitative literature exists exploring the adjustment of children and young peopl...
OBJECTIVE - The aim of this study was to explain adjustment (diabetes-related quality of life, gener...
Celem niniejszej pracy było zaprezentowanie i porównanie przystosowania społeczno-emocjonalnego, cec...
The aim of this study was to identify relationships between coping strategies and different aspects ...
This study analyzed the impact of dissimilarities in illness perceptions between parents and adolesc...
Adolescence is often perceived as a challenging time and the notion of expertise in this population...
Teenagers with diabetes have to cope with the demands of managing the condition within their social ...
Adolescent females with type 1 diabetes are at risk for long-term complications including retinopath...
Many adolescents with type 1 diabetes experience challenges in achieving good glycemic control and h...
Glycaemic control deteriorates frequently in adolescents with diabetes. There is a considerable body...